Friday 20 May 2011

Film timeline & Proposals

Today I finished writing up my proposals for both of the factual and social films we are going to be doing. 

Proposal for a Social Action & Community
I will produce at the least a 30 second social action film which will be based on the effects of depression in teens. The advert will be aimed at teenagers and young adults between the ages of 16-21, the advert will also be aimed at parents as the issue of teen depression also effects them in numerous ways.
The advert will be shedding light on the issue of teen depression and the subtle hints that can be found in a teen suffering with depression. It will also offer help lines and websites that parents and teens can visit if they think they are being effected or know anyone who is being effected. The film will be a narrative of a poem dealing with teen depression using typography to emphasize certain key words and phrases. This will be accompanied by a stop motion animation that will feature hand drawn images relating to the words of the poem before ending with any relevant websites or help lines that can be of use to those who suffer or are being affected by depression.
The advert should approximately take 1-2 weeks to film depending on the schedules of the group and a further 1-2 for editing the footage. I will be using equipment supplied by the college such as a camera and a tripod and also the college computers which will have the programs’ I’ll be using to edit the footage installed on the computers, anything else I will be using throughout the advert such as any props will be provided by myself. I’m undecided on the location for the advert but will make sure to receive clearance when needed for certain locations. I will be aware of any copyright I may come across when making the documentary such as using another persons material, I will make sure that I get permission to use the material directly from the owner first.
As I will be using college equipment and facilities the budget will be relatively low or non existent even with only props being bought if needed. Before any filming is carried out I will do a risk assessment so that I can evaluate all of the risks that may arise when filming and the preventions that can be taken. When I am creating this advert I will also be aware of the code of practice and regulations that I need to abide by when filming such as making sure the advert is impartial and unbiased.
Proposal : Factual programme

I will produce a 90 second documentary titled ‘Where am I now?’  which will be based on students lives after they have left school, for the ASH company aiming at teens between the ages of 16-21.
The documentary will be based on the double page spread I created for my student magazine in project 3 of this course. The double page spread was titled ‘Where am I now?’ and features an interview with a student discussing where they are now in their lives, what they did after they left school, what they’re doing now and what they plan to do in the future.  The documentary will have a mix of different documentary modes as I am undecided on whether I want the documentary to be realist based with the subject of the documentary providing the commentary whilst being shot in a fly on the wall style or by having an interview with the student where I will directly interact with them.  I want the documentary to portray to students that not everyone is clear on what they want to do for their future career, I think this would help people who are unsure of what path they should take after college whether they’re thinking about going to university or finding a job, I think this would be useful in lifting the pressure students feel when making decisions about their future.

The documentary should approximately take 1-2 weeks to film depending on the schedules of the group and a further 1-2 for editing the footage. I will be using equipment supplied by the college such as a camera and a tripod and also the college computers which will have the programmes I’ll be using to edit the footage installed on the computers. Anything else I will be using throughout the documentary such as any props will be provided by myself. I’m undecided on the location for the documentary but will make sure to receive clearance when needed for certain locations. I will be aware of any copyright I may come across when making the documentary such as using another persons material, I will make sure that I get permission to use the material directly from the owner first.
As I will be using college equipment and facilities the budget will be relatively low or non existent even with only props being bought if needed. Before any filming is carried out I will do a risk assessment so that I can evaluate all of the risks that may arise when filming and the preventions that can be taken. When I am creating this advert I will also be aware of the code of practice and regulations that I need to abide by when filming such as making sure the advert is impartial and unbiased.

I also started worksheet 2 which Harry gave to us on Tuesday, I've started to research into film history and have been researching films that have specifically made an impact with the cinematic techniques used and have started to put them into a timeline.

Update: Factual programmes

This morning I finished my report in investigating factual programmes. In the report I discussed some of the issues media producers come across when making a factual programme such as privacy and impartiality. I also discussed the codes and conventions for factual programmes including news and documentaries before explaining the different modes of documentaries whilst providing examples.
I also finished task 2 of the homework assignment in which I research into the different acts and legislation that effect media producers and the impact these acts have on them. I also looked into case studies of media companies who had broken guidelines and the punishments they face for example when the BBC where sued by Ofcom when Russell Brand and Jonathon Ross made inappropriate comments about a guests granddaughter on Brands radio show.
I also started to think about the proposal I will be writing for my documentary idea and looked into task 3 of my homework assignment.

Friday 6 May 2011

Investigation in TV Factual Programmes;

For our next project we are going to be making a factual TV programme. To do this we first had to investigate into factual programmes looking at the codes and conventions, the 6 different modes of documentaries and the issues factual programmes face.

Investigation into TV Factual Programmes - RESEARCH
Accuracy It is important to make sure the contents of the programme is accurate as this gains the viewers trust, if it turns out that the programme is less than accurate then viewers will write off the programme as they will have lost their trust in what they’re  viewing.
Example;  News programmes and live broadcasts are good examples of accuracy in factual programming especially live broadcasts as the viewer is being shown the event as it is happening e.g The Royal Wedding was broadcasted live on BBC One and ITV amongst other channels.
Another example of accuracy in factual programming can be the news coverage on the Tsunami that hit Japan and the more recent story of the death of Bin Laden.
 ImpartialitySo the programme is based on facts and objective criteria and not based on bias, religious, political or social prejudice.
Example;  The BBC have been criticized numerous occasions for programmes that have broken their impartiality principles.

Codes and conventions of factual programming;
Studio news readers – Factual news programmes have a designated news reader or voice over news reader.
Field reporters – Reporters on location of the news story.
Links to studio –
Mode of address to viewer –  The way a product speaks to it’s audience.
Interviewing –  Majority of factual programmes feature interviews with the public typically asking for the publics opinion on the news story at hand.
Experts and witnesses –  Interviews and talks with experts in the specific field the news story  covers and witnesses to the story.
Report structure –
Actuality footage – Footage of actual events unfolding, filming on location etc.
Documentary formats - 
[Expository; Documentaries that speak directly to the viewer with commentary a voiceover or titles proposing a strong argument or point of view e.g An Inconvenient Truth.
Observational; Documentaries that simply observe life with minimum intervention e.g Great Ormond Street
Interactive; Where the film maker interacts with the people and events e.g interviews. Roger and me by Michael Moore.
Reflective; Draw attention to their own contractedness and the fact that they are representations. Louis Theroux, Most Hated Family In America.
Performative; Documentaries that focus on subject experience and emotional response to the world.  Supersize me]
Realism –  Documentaries that are reality based so everything is ‘true to life’ e.g fly on the wall documentaries or reality shows such as and Come Dine With Me.
Dramatisation – Documentaries that feature dramatised events and scenes e.g The Road To Guantanamo.
Narrativization – Documentaries that use narrative as there base e.g nature documentaries such as David Attenborough’s Life On Earth for the BBC.