Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Text tutorial:

Today Harry showed us various techniques we can use in Photoshop to edit any text we create.

1. I used the text tool to create a text box which I then wrote my name in using Perpetua Tilting font and making the size of the text 72.

2. I then opened up an image of a textured background, I then right clicked the text tool to change it to the horizontal masking tool which I then used to create a text box which I again wrote my name in. I then dragged the outline it had left onto my canvas. When doing this you also need to make sure that the background image is highlighted as you drag the text over to your canvas.

3. We were then shown how dissect text so that bits were missing. To do this I first copied the original text shown in picture 1. before dragging it below the previous text. I then rasterized the text before using the select tool to create small rectangular boxes over the text before pressing the delete key which then cut away the selected piece of text. 

4. We were then shown how to create a shape to add to the text. Again I copied the original text from picture 1. before right clicking the rectangle tool and selecting custom shape tool. I then used this to place an arrow in the middle of the letter  'O' of my name. 

5.  For this effect I copied the original text twice before changing the colour of both text. I then moved each of the copies so one text was in front of the other.

6. Again I copied the original text from picture 1. I then changed the colour of the text to a bright green before selecting the pixelate tool from the filter menu and then further selecting the colour halftone tool. I then changed the setting in the colour halftone box to:

Maxium radius : 6
Channel 1: 45
Channel 2: 45
Channel 3: 45
Channel 4: 45

After going through the different techniques I played around with Photoshop to create this contents title. I recreated the title from my previous contents research where I created the same sequence before adding in the 5th technique we were shown. However instead of using just two colours I decided to use three instead. I also changed the opacity of each colour to between 65-75 to get this effect.

PITCH; Evaluation

I felt that I did a good job in presenting my pitch, I was confident with my presentation although I was nervous however some of the images I had used in my presentation such as my moodboard and production schedule disappeared from the slides of my presentation. I checked my presentation during the break before pitching and everything was working well and appeared on the screen so I'm not sure what happened to make the images disappear however I didn't dwell on this as I was giving the pitch and got on with presenting.

Brief introduction:

Target Audience:

Similar & Existing products:



Any questions?:

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Today I created a moodboard for this project using Photoshop to rearrange images and add text.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Research; Similar & existing products

Today I researched into similar and existing products for student magazines. I presented my findings in a powerpoint presentation where I stated what the content of each magazine was and the design of the front cover. 

Friday, 11 March 2011

Adobe Illustrator;

Today we used Adobe Illustrator to test out the different effects you can do with text and also the paintbrush. We first opened a new canvas where were wrote a word before changing the font. We then selected the scale tool to enlarge the text before selecting the effects menu and selecting extrude and bevel from the 3D menu. We then played around with the effect to add depth to the text. We did this six times using a different fonts, colours and effects each time. For my six 'test' effects I used extrude and bevel, inner glow, outter glow and drop shadow to change the style of the text. I think that Illustrator is quite easy to use it just takes a bit of practice and getting used to although it's very similar to photoshop.

Typography & Magazine conventions;

This morning we looked at the conventions for magazines and typography in print. We first looked at some images of different types of shoes before trying to match them with the correct font. Doing this showed us how the name of the font can relate to the topic for example a converse shoe and the font 'Berthold city' the connection being that the shoe was created in Berthold City.

We also looked at the way 
magazine articles are set out by using headers, gutters, sub headings and folios for a basic outline. We then looked at an article from a magazine and annotated the conventions that we noticed along with the type face used. Looking at typography we learnt the difference between sans serif and serif fonts and why each of them would be used. Sans serif for more modern, contemporary fonts like 'Arial' and serif for more traditional fonts such as 'Times Roman'.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Responding to a brief; Tetley Tea

After looking at each of the briefs we were given we had to choose one and mind map what we do in response. 

Production Schedule; Magazine

Today I finished making the production schedule for this assignment. I listed all the things that needed to be done in an order that I thought was best before starting on some of the work.

Understanding the requirements for 'working to a brief'

Task 1 – Deconstructing and highlighting important areas of sample briefs.


What is the structure of the brief? Is it formal, informal, commission, competition, negotiated or tender.

After reading through the brief and considering the content and the way it was presented to the client I decided that it had a tender structure. The way the brief is written is informal and friendly but informative, outlining what they require in great detail. You can also see that this is something that is intended for several clients rather than one individual and that you are invited to take part in it.

Summarise the end product that is required of the brief and demands that this will bring. E.G. Budget, time, resources etc.

Tetley want to capture why ‘Tea is Brilliant’ in either a still or moving image. For the photographic option the shot must be presented as an A4 landscape or portrait with the brand logo or the strapline ‘Tetley. Everyones cup of tea’ which will then be used as an advertisement if chosen. Your own personal camera equipment is to be used. The moving image option is to create a 20-30 second TV advert that portrays the message ‘Tea is Brilliant’ and should feature the Tetley brand throughout or finish with a visual or audio sign off of ‘Tetley. Everyones cup of tea’. The closing date for this brief is December 14th 2007 with the winner being notified by 31st January 2008 and entries are to be posted to Tetleys promotional address.

Can the brief be negotiated? If so how and in which areas? Is it just the end product or can other areas of the brief be negotiated?

No. The brief is very clear in what the company wants and they’re also allowing the client to use the most of their creativity, the only thing the that is required is the promotional strapline ‘Tetley. Everyones cup of tea’ and the brand logo. As this is a tender brief and is aimed at more than one client it wouldn’t be appropriate to negotiate terms of the brief as this what they expect from everyone however if the brief was presented in a more formal or contractual manner than it would be appropriate to negotiate as the contact between the company and client would be more intimate with meetings and phone calls as there would less people taking part.

EntertainXYZ Web Site Redesign

What is the structure of the brief? Is it formal, informal, commission, competition, negotiated or tender.

After reading through the brief and considering the content and the way it was presented to the client I decided that it had a tender and informal approach. The brief is written with quite a laidback, informal approach with information being supplied about their desired target audience and a summary of the project. Although the brief has quite a tender approach it is also informal as a meeting could be organised so that the requirements of the company can be discussed fully with the client.

Summarise the end product that is required of the brief and demands that this will bring. E.G. Budget, time, resources etc.

EntertainXYZ want a complete redesign of their current website as their current site is outdated with it’s information and client list and are aiming to advance their marketing and promotion of the company via the site although their main goal is for the site to be scalable and easy to update. Within the brief there is no mention of budget or a time frame for the work to be done so contacting the company to find these out or to arrange a meeting would be a must. The target audience they’re aiming at include creative, studio and financial executives which they got into with quite some detail.

Can the brief be negotiated? If so how and in which areas? Is it just the end product or can other areas of the brief be negotiated?

Possibly. If a meeting is required then some negotiations about time frames, budgets and the clients pay may be negotiated for example if the company want to any extras from the client then the client would possibly want to charge for their extended services.

Ash Publishing

What is the structure of the brief? Is it formal, informal, commission, competition, negotiated or tender.

After reading through the brief and considering the content and the way it was presented to the client I decided that it fitted the structure of being quite formal. I reached this decision as the brief is worded quite formally, getting straight to the point with what they require, who they’re aiming at and their objectives. The brief also states that it is classified so meetings may need to be scheduled to discuss requirements show case your work.

Summarise the end product that is required of the brief and demands that this will bring. E.G. Budget, time, resources etc.

The company are aiming at college and university students for their student magazine with the readers coming from socio-economic background between the ages of 16-21 and will include content for both sexes. Their main objective is provide useful content for your average student covering social aspects as well as having journalistic input. They require that stories and content are punchy and to the point and are equally visually pleasing with the end product printing on 100% recycled paper in A4 format. They also require the client to project manage the brief, needing a production schedule and meeting pitch deadlines etc.

Can the brief be negotiated? If so how and in which areas? Is it just the end product or can other areas of the brief be negotiated?

Possibly. As the brief is quite formal it appears to be quite strict with what they require and what they’re aiming to do but as it seems that meetings may be needed then negotiations may be able to be made about deadlines and other requirement however this could be seen as unprofessional if it is an extension of a deadline or if you have missed the deadline.  

Monday, 7 March 2011

Skills Profile; Magazine

Skills Profile

1.     Have you ever undertaken any work that has required you answering a brief?

Yes. I was given a project to do within a group where we had to create and plan an advertisement for a new brand of perfume during an enterprise week at school. We were given a short brief that explained a little bit about the company brand and what they were looking for. We then had to research into their target audience, their previous products and ad campaigns before sketching some ideas. At the end of the week we pitched our idea to a small group of people before getting some feedback.

2.     Provide a summary of all of your skills you have already that will help you in this assignment.

I already have some knowledge of Photoshop like how to resize images and how to create layers and change the opacity of images, I know how to change the contrast, saturation and hue of images as well turning them to black and white. I also know how to add text and how to erase backgrounds of an image using the magic eraser tool and how to drag and drop and rotate images. I also have little knowledge on how to create a small animation using the animation tool in Photoshop, previously using this to create a flame of a candle for my DVD menu. I also know how to carry out research using the internet, magazines, books etc and how to write up my findings into a word document.

3.     What skills are you looking to develop while working on this assignment include both practical and theory skills.

I’m hoping to learn more about Photoshop, more of the technical side of how to create my own images and edit them and also how to learn new shortcuts so that I can work quickly and more efficiently. I’m also hoping to improve my organisational skills so that all my work is in order and I have everything I need when I need it. 

Skills I have learnt during this assignment.

During this assignment I learned a number of different techniques I can use on text in Photoshop. I learned how to pixelate text using the pixelate tool from the drop down menu of 'Filter', how to do a two colour layering effect on the text as well as how to cut away at text and how to create text with a textured background by using the horizontal masking tool and how to add shapes to text by using the custom shape tool. I also learnt how to edit text in Adobe Illustrator using the 3d effect tool as well as the bevel and emboss tool.