Monday, 7 March 2011

Skills Profile; Magazine

Skills Profile

1.     Have you ever undertaken any work that has required you answering a brief?

Yes. I was given a project to do within a group where we had to create and plan an advertisement for a new brand of perfume during an enterprise week at school. We were given a short brief that explained a little bit about the company brand and what they were looking for. We then had to research into their target audience, their previous products and ad campaigns before sketching some ideas. At the end of the week we pitched our idea to a small group of people before getting some feedback.

2.     Provide a summary of all of your skills you have already that will help you in this assignment.

I already have some knowledge of Photoshop like how to resize images and how to create layers and change the opacity of images, I know how to change the contrast, saturation and hue of images as well turning them to black and white. I also know how to add text and how to erase backgrounds of an image using the magic eraser tool and how to drag and drop and rotate images. I also have little knowledge on how to create a small animation using the animation tool in Photoshop, previously using this to create a flame of a candle for my DVD menu. I also know how to carry out research using the internet, magazines, books etc and how to write up my findings into a word document.

3.     What skills are you looking to develop while working on this assignment include both practical and theory skills.

I’m hoping to learn more about Photoshop, more of the technical side of how to create my own images and edit them and also how to learn new shortcuts so that I can work quickly and more efficiently. I’m also hoping to improve my organisational skills so that all my work is in order and I have everything I need when I need it. 

Skills I have learnt during this assignment.

During this assignment I learned a number of different techniques I can use on text in Photoshop. I learned how to pixelate text using the pixelate tool from the drop down menu of 'Filter', how to do a two colour layering effect on the text as well as how to cut away at text and how to create text with a textured background by using the horizontal masking tool and how to add shapes to text by using the custom shape tool. I also learnt how to edit text in Adobe Illustrator using the 3d effect tool as well as the bevel and emboss tool.

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